Exploring the full power of SNDS data

Our Biostatisticians and Data-Scientists will support your analyses of the medical database covering the real-life follow-up of 68 million French people.


The SNDS (French National Health Data System) is the cornerstone of innovation in the French healthcare field. Discover the largest claims database in Europe, which combines exhaustive reimbursement data (SNIIRAM) with hospitalization data (PMSI) and causes of death (CepiDC).


If you wish to carry out a comparative analysis of therapeutic strategies or medical device use based on real-life patient follow-up, we provide you with the appropriate statistical and robust methodologies, such as high-dimensional propensity scores (HDPS), longitudinal mixed-effects models, etc…

Health economics modeling

Determining the size of the target population in France for a drug or medical device, assessing the cost associated with a studied pathology, and many other similar questions find their answers in conducting health economics studies on the SNDS.

We support you in your studies of the costs of care paths or innovative therapies, the cost-effectiveness of a strategy compared with a reference, or the evaluation of the burden of a disease.

Health economics modeling

Determining the size of the target population in France for a drug or medical device, assessing the cost associated with a studied pathology, and many other similar questions find their answers in conducting health economics studies on the SNDS.

We support you in your studies of the costs of care paths or innovative therapies, the cost-effectiveness of a strategy compared with a reference, or the evaluation of the burden of a disease.


Identification of common patient profiles and the analysis of recurring “care-hospitalization” sequences enable us to accurately apprehend typical patient medical trajectories. The multiple clustering techniques we apply will enable you to extract robust patterns of care and patient profiles from your raw data.

Predictive models & Machine Learning

The development of artificial intelligence algorithms and modern biostatistical methods has accelerated the search for predictive factors of disease and therapeutic response.

Our experts in Biostatistics and Machine Learning will support you in the development of diagnostic or predictive models based on SNDS data cross-referenced with other external data sources.

Our commitments


Your estimators, comparison tests and statistical models must be explained and interpreted in their analysis context. Our methodological approach is fully detailed in the analysis report, to help you make the most of your data.


Your collaboration with our specialists continues beyond the delivery of your data, by supporting you in understanding the results in order to make precise, contextualized inferences.


Your medical communication requires clear, high-impact graphical results. Our data-vizualization programmers will produce the graphics and figures that will add value to your statistical data.